Tenants are supposed to pay all utility bills during their stay. 

If the owner is complaining that the electricity, water bills or gas (GAIL) bills are unpaid, please check if the property has an active tenant, 

First, please check if the Property has an active tenant.  

You can do this by going to:

zoho -> Tenant Contracts. Filter by PropID and ContractStatus = 'Active'. 

If there is no active tenant, and no one has been staying there, then owner will need to pay. 

If a tenant has recently vacated, then this would have been charged to the exiting tenant for the duration of his stay, so you will have to check the bills to compare which dates are not paid and when the tenant vacated.

Please check in zoho:

Tenants -> Tenant Exit and filter by Prop Id. 

In case of a tenant recently exited, please check with the Accounts team why this is not paid and if we have withheld the funds. 

If the owner wants us to make these payments on his behalf, we can do this if we have the funds or he can transfer the funds to us. This is only until the tenant is placed.