Below we have explained the difference between Maintenance including & excluding

"Excluding" Case

If this is Excluding, it means that the Tenant needs to pay the Association Maintenance 

In such a case, the agreement will mention the base rent amount and the tenant will need to pay the association charges directly to the association. 

Advantages of this:

1. If the maintenance goes up, tenant has to pay the increase (but sometimes they will come back and negotiate if this is too much). 

2. The management fee will only be charged on the base rent. 

Disadvantages of this:

1. Tenant may delay the payments

2. The Escalation will be only on the base rent amount (not on rent + association)

"Including" Case

In this case, means either PropertyAngel needs to pay it (after deducting from rent) OR the owner needs to pay. Please check with the Accounts team if PA is supposed to pay this and they have missed it. 

Please check with the owner if he needs us to pay this on a regular basis. If so, you can let the accounts team know so they can add it to their tracker for regular payments. 

Please get all details from the owner about how much and which accounts to pay. Else, please ask the owner to connect you with the right person from the Association, who can give you these details. 

Advantages of this:

1.NO delay of payments

2. The Escalation on rent + association, so this is higher. Owner will be profited if the association charges don't increase. 

Disadvantages of this:

1. If the maintenance goes up, owner has to pay the increase 

2. The management fee will be charged on the base rent + association mnt 

Please explain this clearly to the owner and make the changes accordingly.