When a token is taken by TAC team, they need to check if the tenant has any specific maintenance requests. 

By default a professional cleaning needs to be done. If the property is not already painted, that will be done too. 

But if there is anything in addition to that, they will add their requests in the Tenant Group under "Special Maintenance Requests". For any major requests, the TAC team will also get this pre-approved by the Property Owner, and mention the same in the "Special Maintenance Requests"  in the Tenant Group, 

During the conference call with the tenant, you need to reconfirm these items. Please add anything else that may have been missed. 

If there is anything extra that has not already been pre-approved by the Owner, please let the tenant know, that the work will be confirmed only after approval. You will inform them over email once you get approval from the Property Owner. Please track this actively and get approval wherever possible and reasonable.  

If the tenant raises some new requests, after they have moved in, you need to ask them to file a Tenant Maintenance Issue (TMI) which they can do from their login portal at my.propertyangel.in. Please inform them that any new requests will need approval, which you will seek once they file the TMI. 

If the tenant raises a minor issue that should already have been fixed when they moved in (issues with painting, cleaning, something broken or not working properly, leaks, etc), then the Vendor who did their move-in needs to go and fix it ASAP at no additional cost. Even in this case, they should file a TMI so you can track the same.